Corinna Hunt

Contracts & Permissions Specialist

USLDH lanza conjunto de datos sobre mujeres

HOUSTON, TX- El Centro de Humanidades Digitales Latinas de los Estados Unidos (USLDH, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Universidad de Houston anuncia el lanzamiento de un vasto Conjunto de datos sobre autoras que publicaron en revistas y periódicos latinos de los Estados Unidos. Desde 1996, académicos y estudiantes de posgrado del programa Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Programa de recuperación del legado escrito hispano de de los Estados Unidos), también conocido como Recovery, han trabajado en la indizacación de periódicos a nivel de artículo para producir metadatos en inglés y español que faciliten a los investigadores la ardua labor de encontrar estos materiales. El resultado se refleja en varios conjuntos de datos que hablan de la diversidad de la vida cultural, política e intelectual de las comunidades atinas en los Estados Unidos. De las 288 publicaciones periódicas indizadas, este extenso conjunto de datos muestra la actividad de …

USLDH Releases Dataset on Women Writers

HOUSTON, TX–The University of Houston’s US Latino Digital Humanities Center (USLDH) announces the release of a comprehensive dataset on over 900 women authors. This dataset documents articles published by women in Hispanic periodicals. Since 1996 Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Recovery) scholars and graduate students have worked on indexing newspapers at an article level to produce metadata in English and Spanish to facilitate discoverability for researchers. The output is reflected in several datasets that speak of the diversity of the cultural, political and intellectual life of the Hispanic/Latina/Latino/Latinx community in the United States. This dataset, created from 288 indexed periodicals, demonstrates the activity of Hispanic women writers, including poetry, short stories, essays, serialized fiction, literary notices, speeches, travel writing, interviews and more. Among the writers included are feminists Clotilde Betances and Hortensia Elizondo, activists like Jovita Idar, anarchists such as Blanca de Moncaleano, and poets such as Elvira Yañez de …

USLDH lanza conjunto de datos editoriales

HOUSTON, TX- El Centro de Humanidades Digitales Latinas en los Estados Unidos (USLDH, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Universidad de Houston anuncia el lanzamiento de un vasto Conjunto de datos editoriales originalmente publicados en revistas y periódicos hispanos de la historia de los Estados Unidos. Desde 1996, los académicos y estudiantes de posgrado del programa Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Recuperando la herencia literaria hispana de los Estados Unidos), también conocido como Recovery, han trabajado en la indexación de periódicos a nivel de artículo para producir metadatos en inglés y español que faciliten a los investigadores la ardua labor de encontrar estos materiales. El resultado se refleja en varios conjuntos de datos que hablan de la diversidad de la vida cultural, política e intelectual de las comunidades hispanas y latinas en los Estados Unidos. De las 288 publicaciones periódicas indexadas, este extenso conjunto de datos incluye editoriales …

USLDH Releases Dataset on Editorials

HOUSTON, TX–The University of Houston’s US Latino Digital Humanities (USLDH) Center announces the release of a comprehensive dataset on Editorials published in Hispanic periodicals. Since 1996 Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Recovery) scholars and graduate students have worked on indexing newspapers at an article level to produce metadata in English and Spanish to facilitate discoverability for researchers. The output is reflected in several datasets that speak of the diversity of the cultural, political and intellectual life of the Hispanic/Latina/Latino/Latinx community in the United States. Out of 288 indexed periodicals, this rich dataset includes editorials and letters to the editor. This dataset demonstrates the breadth of topics represented in Spanish-language periodicals published in the United States between 1808 and 1960; some of the topics include politics, women’s rights, intellectual life and social conditions, among others. The dataset is hosted on the Cougar ROAR’s (Research Open Access Repositories) Dataverse Repository, a …

News release: Gabriela Baeza Ventura elected to MLA’s Digital Humanities Forum

Gabriela Baeza Ventura was elected to serve on the Modern Language Association (MLA) Transdisciplinary Connections Digital Humanities Forum Executive Committee for 2022-2027. As part of this forum, Baeza Ventura will help to represent areas of scholarly and professional interests for MLA members. MLA Forums “promote scholarly and professional activities within their areas of concern. The executive committees of the forums arrange sessions at the MLA Annual Convention, make nominations for executive committee elections and for the election of the forums’ representatives in the MLA Delegate Assembly, and provide information of interest to their members through association periodicals or mailings to forum members. Forums advise appropriate MLA committees on research and pedagogical needs in their fields of interest and may propose to the Executive Council projects that the association might wish to undertake” (“Policies for Forums and Allied Organizations”). Baeza Ventura brings a unique perspective to the forum based on her …

2021-22 REACH Students

The Research for Aspiring Coogs in the Humanities (REACH) Program at the University of Houston is a collaborative effort supported by the Cougar Initiative to Engage and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Major Awards (OURMA). REACH will provide a year-long introductory research experience for students in humanities disciplines by connecting a dozen students to existing undergraduate research projects at the University of Houston.  Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Recovery) and its US Latino Digital Humanities Center (USLDH) are among the collaborators in this program and are host to three undergraduate students. These students are gaining research and archival skills in a variety of forms, including: Scanning archival documents Curating exhibits Database research Primary document research Asset management  Data management (with spreadsheets) Metadata creation Metadata translation Familiarity with Library of Congress Subject Headings Digital archives (Omeka) Digital humanities tools and theory Archival theory Academic conference presentations Academic conference posters Public …

Mikaela Selley joins Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage as Program Manager for Periodicals in the US-Mexico Border Region Project

University of Houston alumna, Mikaela Selley, joins Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (Recovery) Program/Arte Público Press as Program Manager for Periodicals in the US-Mexico Border Region. She will work closely with Recovery’s Director of Research, Dr. Carolina Villarroel, to oversee the digitization and metadata efforts for historical periodicals. This includes scanning, organizing, cataloging and describing archival records. Selley has eight years of professional experience as an archivist with hands-on expertise in the preservation, documentation and digitization of historical manuscripts and photographs significant to Houston’s Hispanic and Latino heritage. Additionally, she has worked in all stages of curatorial planning, design and execution of history exhibits. Selley brings knowledge of heritage preservation, a creative eye for engaging displays and a personal devotion to Houston’s Hispanic and Latina/o culture. She previously served as the Hispanic Collections Archivist at the Houston Public Library’s Houston Metropolitan Research Center (HMRC). Periodicals in the US-Mexico Border …