XVII Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Conference
The Right to Write, Speak and Be in Times of Banning, Censorship and Persecution
April 25-27, 2024 · University of Houston-Downtown · Houston, Texas
University of Houston Downtown (UHD) at One Main Street, Houston, TX 77002, 3rd Floor.
We are pleased to announce the XVII Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Conference will convene April 25-27, 2024 at the University of Houston-Downtown campus. The meeting theme, “The Right to Write, Speak and Be in Times of Banning, Censorship and Persecution,” seeks to highlight the resistance to State oppression of ideology, identity, race, sexuality, language, immigration status, etc. Censorship has taken various forms since the colonial period through book banning, the imprisonment of activists and intellectuals, the segregating and underfunding of education, the polarizing of communities and the vilifying of the Spanish language, culminating in the erasure of Latino history. Efforts to establish printing presses, networks of readers and distribution systems circumvent and counter State-sponsored actions to create false narratives about the presence and contributions of Latinas/os/es in the United States.
Archivists, librarians, linguists, historians, critics, theorists and community members are invited to share examples of the legacy they are recovering, preserving and making available of Hispanic peoples—whether residents, immigrants or exiles—of the United States over the past centuries. We seek papers and posters in either English or Spanish that highlight these many contributions, but also offer critical ways to rethink issues of agency, gender, sexualities, race/ethnicity, environmental justice, class, power and others.
We encourage papers that make use of archival research that provoke a revision of established literary interpretations and/or historiographies from the colonial period to 1980. Presentations and posters on material between 1960-1980 must be focused on civil rights and the documentary legacy of Latinas/os/es.
Conference Program
Help us go paperless by using a digital conference program: https://bit.ly/recconf24
Registration and Membership
Presenters must register and be Recovery members. All attendees must register for the conference. If you experience technical difficulties, please email us at: apprec@central.uh.edu
UH System Registration (only for UH faculty, staff, and students)
- *Fees are waived for all University of Houston System attendees of the conference. Please fill out the UH System Registration form: https://forms.gle/STRd1gkjE57so9du7
Registration (Required for presenters and attendees)
- Purchase conference registration: https://artepublicopress.com/product/recovery-conference-registration/
Membership Fees (Required for all presenters)
- Purchase membership: https://artepublicopress.com/product/recovery_membership/
Manos a la obra: Pre-conference Workshop on Digital Humanities and Archives (April 25, 2024, in person)
The US Latino Digital Humanities Center (USLDH; #usLdh) will offer a pre-conference workshop open to conference attendees and members of the public. The workshop will provide an introduction to US Latino Digital Humanities and the use of Recovery digital archives in the classroom. Workshop registration required.
- Purchase workshop registration: https://artepublicopress.com/product/manosalaobra/
For all questions, please contact us at apprec@central.uh.edu
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