Digital Humanities Resources
Below you will find some useful tutorials and digital tools for the digital humanities. You may also visit our growing US Latina/ Digital Humanities bibliography on Zotero Groups, the videos of our Digital Humanities Speaker Series and our YouTube channel.
Videos from our Digital Humanities Speaker Series.
ARIS: Augmented Reality Interactive Storytelling Engine
Create and play mobile games, design tours, and create interactive stories.
Create an archive of photos, videos, and audio and “pin” them to locations on a map. Crowdsourcing enabled.
Easy-to-use storytelling tools, including Juxtapose, Scene (VR stories), Soundcite, Storyline, StoryMap, and Timeline.
Open-source web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits.
The Programming Historian and Programming Historian en español
These sites offer tutorials on digital tools, techniques, and workflows.
RAWGraphs is an open source data visualization framework built with the goal of making the visual representation of complex data easy for everyone.
Scalar: Intro to Scalar tutorial
Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to write long-form, born-digital scholarship online.
Application for archival researchers that allows them to take notes, organize, describe and store imported images.