USLDH Videos

Visit the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage YouTube channel for more videos and playlists.

2021-2022: Digital Humanities Workshop and Speaker Series

This series was supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


"Engaging the Digital: Incorporating public facing digital projects into the curriculum"

Claire Jiménez, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


"Afro-Latinx Studies in Afro-Atlantic Contexts: Weaving Digital & Material Practices"

Yomaira Figeroa-Vásquez, Ph.D., Michigan State University


2020-2021: Digital Humanities Workshop and Speaker Series

This series was supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

"Finding and Using Data"

Paige Morgan, Ph.D., University of Delaware Library, Museums & Press


"Building Collectivity in the Digital Humanities Through Working With Data"

Paige Morgan, Ph.D., University of Delaware Library, Museums & Press


Fall 2020 USLDH Team Presentations and Workshops


"US Latino DH: Recovering the Past, Creating the Future" (Digital Library Federation Forum 2020)

Gabriela Baeza Ventura, Ph.D.; Carolina Villarroel, Ph.D., C.A.; Lorena Gauthereau, Ph.D.; and Linda Garcia Merchant, Ph.D.


"Teaching Film History Online with Digital Tools: Using Timeline JS and Omeka for Interactive Student Projects"

Gabriela Baeza Ventura, Ph.D.; Carolina Villarroel, Ph.D., C.A.; Lorena Gauthereau, Ph.D.; and Linda Garcia Merchant, Ph.D.

"US-Latina/o/x Archival Methodology"

Gabriela Baeza Ventura, Ph.D.; Carolina Villarroel, Ph.D., C.A.; Lorena Gauthereau, Ph.D.; and Linda Garcia Merchant, Ph.D.

Fall 2018: Digital Humanities Speaker Series

This series was supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


"Indigeneity, Open Access and the Digital Humanities"

Jennifer Guiliano, Ph.D., Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


"Beyond White Digital Humanities"

Trevor Muñoz, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland Libraries

"Ways of Seeing, Ways of Doing"

Thomas Padilla, University of Nevada Las Vegas

"The Challenges of Designing for Diversity"

Julia Flanders, Ph.D., Northeastern University

Spring 2018: Digital Humanities & Social Justice Speaker Series

The speaker and workshop series on Digital Humanities & Social Justice explores the ethical concerns involved when creating digital projects with minority archives and digital scholarship as a site of social justice and activism. The series brings in leading scholars in digital humanities who are engaging and creating ethical, socially conscious methodologies. This series was supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Below you will find recordings of the public lectures, courtesy of the University of Houston's Office of Educational Technology (OET).


"A Carrier Bag Theory for Digital Collections"

Jeremy Boggs, Ph.D., University of Virginia

"Archives in the Anthropocene"

Purdom Linblad, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)

"Nuestra Autohistoria: Toward a Chicana Digital Praxis"

María E. Cotera, Ph.D., University of Michigan

"Minimal Computing, Border Technologies and Other marginal Practices in the Digital Humanities"

Alex Gil, Ph.D., Columbia University Libraries

"Digital Culture and Cultural Hybridity: Reading Print-Digital Literature with Latin American Eyes"

Élika Ortega, Ph.D., Northeastern University

"Another (Digital) World is Possible: The Stakes of Postcolonial Digital Humanities"

Roopika Risam, Ph.D., Salem State University