Shifting Loyalties


by Daniel Cano

ISBN: 978-1-5588-5144-3
Category: Fiction
Published: 30 Jun 1995
Bind: Trade Paperback
Pages: 312



Shifting Loyalties is a sweeping exploration of the lives of five young Chicano men before, during, and after the Vietnam War. The novel travels time and space—from Southern California in the 1950s to the jungles of Vietnam in the 60s to Spain in the 70s and Pennsylvania in the 80s. The result of this far-ranging journey is a portrait of an ethnic American community touched by the atrocities of war. David, Danny, Charley, Joey, and Manny struggle in individual ways with their ambivalent feelings about war. On the one hand, they have been raised to respect and leave unquestioned the notion of service and duty. On the other, they experience a growing sense of mistrust toward decisions made for them. “Don’t ask,” David’s father tells him as a child. “One day you’ll see. That’s all.” But as David and the others reach adulthood they find that this isn’t enough to guide them through the horrible realities of war and the post-war readjustment to civilian life. Daniel Cano’s second novel leaves an indelible impression of the complex experience of a war-torn generation.