Lorenzo’s Revolutionary Quest
by Lila Guzmán and Rick Guzmán
ISBN: 978-1-55885-392-8
Publication Date: May 31, 2003
Bind: Paperback
Pages: 176
Ages: 11 and up
In his last adventure, Lorenzo Bannister swept across the southern colonies of England and Spain, from the teeming ports of New Orleans to the fertile plantations of Virginia, struggling to deliver crucial supplies to George Washington.
Now, in this sequel to Lorenzo’s Secret Mission, the intrepid young adventurer is back to fulfill his commitment to the American Revolution. When General George Washington names Lorenzo a captain in the Continental Army, he is sent on another challenging mission: to go to Texas in order to purchase 500 head of cattle from the Spanish. With Colonel De Gálvez’s aid, Lorenzo struggles to herd the cattle and his soldiers to the Mississippi River via the King’s Highway –a rustic dirt road through the province of Texas and Louisiana.
Once again, Lorenzo finds himself charged with a life-threatening quest, a quest that will bring him face to face with the notorious renegade rustlers of the southwest under the command of the menacing Chien d’Or. And just in the shadows, waits “Saber Scar”—the man that holds Lorenzo responsible for his capture and imprisonment—whose exit from prison is one short breath away.
Click here for a history lesson behind the Lorenzo book series by Líla Guzmán and Rick Guzmán.