This intriguing, fast-paced novel traces the blossoming relationship between young Rosario Silva and her enigmatic cousin Leticia. As Rosario and Leticia begin to share more and more, Rosario learns her cousin’s shocking secret.
“This is a bittersweet tale of life and death, with the added elements of adventure and youthful romance.”— School Library Journal
“Leticia’s Secret is an intriguing, warm-hearted novel . . . a touching book that children will enjoy.”—Books of the Southwest
OFELIA DUMAS LACHTMAN is a native of Los Angeles, California, where she still lives. She is the author of numerous bilingual children’s picture books, including Pepita and the Bully (Piñata Books, 2011), Tina and the Scarecrow Skins / Tina y las pieles de espantapájaros (Piñata Books, 2002), Big Enough / Bastante grande (Piñata Books, 1998), and the Pepita series: Pepita on Pepper Street / Pepita en la calle Pepper (Piñata Books, 2008), Pepita Packs Up / Pepita empaca (Piñata Books, 2005), Pepita Finds Out / Lo que Pepita descubre (Piñata Books, 2002), Pepita Takes Time / Pepita, siempre tarde (Piñata Books, 2000), Pepita Thinks Pink / Pepita y el color rosado (Piñata Books, 1998), and Pepita Talks Twice / Pepita habla dos veces (Piñata Books, 1995). Her novels for young adults include The Truth about Las Mariposas (Piñata Books, 2007), A Good Place for Maggie (Piñata Books, Spring 2002), The Summer of El Pintor (Piñata Books, 2001), Call Me Consuelo (Piñata Books, 1997), The Girl from Playa Blanca (Piñata Books, 1995), and Campfire Dreams (Harlequin, 1987), for which she won the Benjamin Franklin Award for best young adult novel. She has also written one adult novel, A Shell for Angela (Arte Público Press, 1995).
ATOS Interest Level: Middle Grades
Category: Young Adult
ATOS English: 3.7
Accelerated Reader Quiz #: #34989