The US Latino Digital Humanities (USLDH) Grants-in-Aid program, funded by the Mellon Foundation, is designed to provide a stipend of up to $7,500 to scholars for research and development of digital scholarship in the form of a digital publication and/or a digital project.
Congratulations to the 2023 Grants-in-Aid Recipients:
- Gabriela Barrios (University of California, Los Angeles), Sonia Del Hierro (Rice University) and Sophia Martinez-Abbud (Rice University), Señora Power: A Chicana Mapping Project
- Maribel Bello (University of Houston), The Cristino Garza Peña Papers: From U.S. Expulsion to Leadership in Rural Mexico
- Maya Chinchilla, MFA (Independent Scholar), Precursors of leadership to the Central American Solidarity Movement in the United States
- Marisa Hicks-Alcaraz, PhD (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Reclaiming Film Histories of the U.S. Civil Rights Era: The Latina Film Recovery Project
- Mary Okin, PhD (Independent Scholar) with Olivia Bowman, BA, March With Us! Lessons in Activism from San José State
- Paloma Vargas Montes, PhD (Tecnológico de Monterrey), The Indigenous Episteme of the Borderlands: Conquest, Acculturation and Permanence
- Omaris Z. Zamora (Rutgers University-New Brunswick ) and Keishla Rivera-Lopez (Princeton University), DominiRicanDH
The University of Houston US Latino Digital Humanities Center (USLDH) is a digital scholarship/research undertaking to provide training and research on US Latino recovered materials. It is housed at Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage/Arte Público Press.
In 2019, the Mellon Foundation awarded the University of Houston with a grant to establish a first-of-its kind US Latino Digital Humanities Center in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. The program gives scholars expanded access to a vast collection of written materials produced by Latinos and archived by the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage (“Recovery”) program and UH’s Arte Público Press, the nation’s largest publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by Hispanic authors from the United States.
The US Latino Digital Humanities Center (USLDH):
Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage:
Arte Público Press:
“US Latino Digital Humanities Program to Launch at UH with Mellon Foundation Grant.” University of Houston,