The Desert Is My Mother / El desierto es mi madre


A beautiful bilingual picture book for children that illustrates the relationship between people and nature.

by Pat Mora
Illustrated by Daniel Lechón

ISBN: 978-1-55885-121-4
Publication Date: November 1, 1994         
Format: Hardcover
Imprint: Piñata Books
Ages: 3-7

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The Desert Is My Mother/El desierto es mi madre is a bilingual book written by Pat Mora and illustrated by Daniel Lechón. It is a beautiful poetic and artistic rendition of the relationship between nature and Hispanics and Native American peoples. Rather than being an expanse empty of life and value, the desert is lovingly presented as the provider of comfort, food, spirit and life. The book, the first picture book published by Arte Público Press’ Piñata Books, introduces the partnership of an award-winning poet and a prize-winning painter.