Ricardo’s Race / La carrera de Ricardo
This inspiring bilingual biography for children recounts the story of an All-American athlete and scholar.
by Diane Gonzales Bertrand
Illustrations by Anthony Accardo
ISBN: 978-1-55885-497-0
Published: May 31, 2007
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
Imprint: Piñata Books
Ages: 6-9
Ricardo Romo never dreamed that running to catch the school bus would lead to a college education, and ultimately, to a long and respected career as a teacher, administrator, and university president.
He grew up in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Mexican immigrants, and worked in his family’s small grocery store, where he learned to work hard and respect his family and neighbors. In school he learned that, as a Latino, he was expected to go to the technical high school rather than the one that prepared students for college, yet his teachers and coaches encouraged him to pursue his studies. They also fostered his natural athletic abilities as a runner.
In high school, Ricardo set numerous records in track and cross country, including the country’s second fastest recorded mile at that time. While still a sophomore, he began to receive invitations from colleges and universities urging him to consider running for their schools. Ultimately, he went on to run for the University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated with an undergraduate degree in history.
While injuries ended Ricardo’s hopes of competing in the 1968 Olympics, his educational dreams were achieved when he obtained a master’s degree from California State University, Northridge and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles, both in history. Currently, he is the president of the University of Texas at San Antonio, and a time line detailing Dr. Romo’s accomplishments as an athlete and a scholar is included.
Award-winning author Diane Gonzales Bertrand presents an inspirational biography of this All American’s quest to accomplish his goals. With vivid, realistic illustrations by Anthony Accardo, emerging readers will be inspired to discover their own talents and chase their dreams.
Special Recognition, 2008 Paterson Prize for Books for Young People
DIANE GONZALES BERTRAND is the author of numerous books for children. They include Cecilia and Miguel Are Best Friends / Cecilia y Miguel son mejores amigos (Piñata Books, 2014); Sofía and the Purple Dress / Sofía y el vestido morado (Piñata Books, 2012); Adelita and the Veggie Cousins / Adelita y las primas verduritas (Piñata Books, 2011); The Party for Papá Luis / La fiesta para Papá Luis (2010); We Are Cousins / Somos primos (2007); Ricardo’s Race / La carrera de Ricardo (2007); The Empanadas That Abuela Made / Las empanadas que hacía la abuela (2002); Uncle Chente’s Picnic / El picnic de Tío Chente, (2001); The Last Doll / La última muñeca (2001); Family, Familia (1999); and Sip, Slurp, Soup, Soup / Caldo, caldo, caldo (1997). A lifelong resident of San Antonio, Bertrand teaches at St. Mary’s University, where she is also Writer in Residence.
Learn more by visiting her faculty page.
ANTHONY ACCARDO has illustrated more than fifty children’s books, including The Last Doll / La última muñeca (Piñata Books, 2009) by Diane Gonzales Bertrand, Ricardo’s Race / La carrera de Ricardo (Piñata Books, 2007), by Diane Gonzales Bertrand, Benito’s Sopaipillas / Las sopaipillas de Benito (Piñata Books, 2007), by Ana Baca and Benito’s Bizcochitos / Los bizcochitos de Benito (Piñata Books, 1999), by Ana Baca. His paintings have been exhibited in both the United States and Europe. A New York native, he lives in Brooklyn.
ATOS Interest Level: Lower Grades
Category: Picture Book
ATOS English: 4.9
ATOS Spanish: 4.8
Accelerated Reader Quiz #: 115076