In this milestone collection, the noted director of the award-winning Bilingual Theater, Joe Rosenberg, has brought together a selection of successfully staged and critically acclaimed Hispanic plays for children. ¡Aplauso! is innovative in its offering of plays in English, Spanish, and bilingual formats, and will be a welcome addition to all school and public libraries.
“Rosenberg, director of the Bilingual Theater, provides a collection of staged Hispanic plays for children, providing a wide range of plots and multicultural characters throughout. Plays are provided in English, Spanish and bilingual formats and provide diverse and often unexpected themes which will prove refreshingly different for young aspiring actors.”—Midwest Book Review
A playwright, director and theater scholar, JOE ROSENBERG is the founder and artistic director of the professional Bilingual Theater, now called the South Texas Performance Company. His full length play, Saturday Stranger, was published in Germany. Rosenberg has been a leader in establishing bilingual theater instruction programs in various school districts. He is the founder of an international exchange program in theater with Mexico and South America, and the Rainbow Theater Festival of the Southwest Theater Association.
ATOS Interest Level: Upper Grades
Category: Young Adult